Explore India

  1. Grades 3-5
  2. Grades 6-8


Experience India with Anya and Milo! Use colored sand to make a fun and festive rangoli. Play Snakes & Ladders, a board game that's over 2,000 years old. Mix up some homemade henna and try your hand at some mehndi designs. Learn about yoga and then strike your best cobra. Wash it all down with a cool glass of mango lassi you made yourself!Read more

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13 reviews



    Make the box to accommodate the project after its completed, especially if it's a game for later use.



    Loved this crate! I remember doing sand art as a kid, and it was fun to relive. Everything in this crate was so thoughtful. I love that we got to explore India through art, food, and play. We keep the snakes and ladders game in the kiwi box and have come back to it many times.



    My daughter really liked the contents of this box and right away was trying the recipes. We’ve played the snakes and ladder game a number of times as well. Only small thing was that the red player piece was missing from the box which of course was the one my son wanted.



    5 year old loved the game. She has played it several times since we opened the box. Have not done the second project yet.



    Just overall so pleased with this crate. It's just the right amount of crafts, learning, and fun. And the addition of something like yoga with this crate got us all moving around. Seemed like a well-rounded crate overall.



    I absolutely love how the Atlas line is designed. My son wanted to switch from the tinker crate to atlas and was more than pleasantly surprised when he found out that not only would he learn about other countries, but he’d also get to do hands on activities!

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